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Submersible, Surface, and Custom Pumps
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Suction Size: 2″ to 3″
Discharge Size: 1 1/4″ to 2 1/2″
Capacity: 5 to 633 GPM
Head: 9 to 282 Ft.
clean water, glycol, dielectric fluid
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Surface - End Suction

C/E (BB1)
Horizontal, single case, Semi-centerline support or foot mount, Axial split Casing, Single-stage, Between bearing, Single or Double Suction First Stage options
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Industrial / Oil/Gas / Power / Desalination / Steel
Type: Custom Pumps - Single Case - 1&2 Stages - Axial Split Case - Bottom Suction - Between Bearing

CB Series
Capacity: 106 to 18,497 GPM
Head: 67 to 394 Ft.
Discharge Size: 3″ to 16”
Liquid: Clean Water
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Surface - Split Case

Suction Size: 1 1/4″ to 1 1/2″
Discharge Size: 1″ NPT thread
Capacity: 5 to 105 GPM
Head: 3 to 255 Feet
clean water
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial / Residential
Type: Surface - End Suction

Suction Size: 1 1/4″ to 1 1/2″ NPT Thread
Discharge Size: 1″ NPT
Capacity: 5 to 66 GPM
Head: 40 to 255 Feet
clean water
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial / Residential
Type: Surface - End Suction

Horizontal, Double case, Centerline support, Radial split casing, Multistage, Radial split diffuser inner casing, Series impeller arrangement, Single or Double Suction First Stage options
Market: Industrial / Oil/Gas / Power
Type: Custom Pumps - Double Case - Multi Stage - Between Bearing

Capacity: 80 to 4732 GPM
Head: 8 to 254 Feet
Discharge Size: 4″ to 12″
dry pit configuration
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3 1/4″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Surface - Solids Handling / Submersible - Effluent - Solids Handling

Capacity: 5 to 80 GPM
Head: 40 to 151 Feet
Discharge size: 1.25″, 2″
grinder, water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial / Residential
Type: Submersible - Solids Handling - Grinder

Capacity: 20 to 2,800 GPM
Head: 7 to 185 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″ to 10″
Range of HP: 2 to 30 HP
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Solids Handling

Discharge Size: 2″ to 4″
Range of HP: 2 to 5 HP
Capacity: 13 to 525 GPM
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Municipal Clean Water / Industrial / Commercial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Solids Handling

Capacity: 20 to 4732 GPM
Head: 7 to 254 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″ to 12″
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Solids Handling

Capacity: to 3363 GPM
Head: to 158 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″ to 12″
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3 1/4″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Solids Handling

Capacity: 15 to 536 GPM
Head: 7 to 66 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″, 3″, 4″
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Solids Handling

Capacity: 55 to 1345 GPM
Head: 12 to 136 Feet
Discharge: 3″, 4″, 6″
single channel impeller
water, wastewater solids to 3″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Dewatering - Solids Handling

Capacity: 640 to 33,360 GPM
Head: 9 to 386 Feet
Discharge Size: 6″ to 30″
wet pit / dry pit configurations
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 8 1/8″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Solids Handling

Vertical, Submerged motor type, Bottom suction with separate or column pipe discharge
Market: Municipal Wastewater
Type: Custom Pumps - Vertical - Submersible

Capacity: 530 to 6,500 GPM
Head: 12 to 300 Feet
Discharge Size: 6″ to 20″
wet pit / dry pit configurations
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 5 5/8″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Solids Handling

Capacity: 8 to 390 GPM
Head: 8 to 126 Feet
(hot) water, wastewater, treated sewage
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Dewatering - Solids Handling

Capacity: 2500 to 55000 GPM
Head: 5 to 50 Feet
Discharge Size: 24″ to 64″
water, wastewater, flood control
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Municipal Clean Water / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Propeller

Capacity: 16 to 1200 GPM
Head: 13 to 121 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″, 3″, 4″, 6″
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 5″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Solids Handling - Vortex

Capacity: 10 to 240 GPM
Head: 10 to 80 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″, 3″
(hot) water, wastewater, abrasive, suspended solids to 2 1/4″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Dewatering - Effluent - Solids Handling

Capacity: 16 to 430 GPM
Head: 9 to 66 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″, 3″, 4″
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 4″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Dewatering - Effluent - Solids Handling

Suction Size: 2″ to 2 1/2″ NPT
Discharge Size: 2″ NPT
Capacity: 25 to 290 GPM
Head: 10 to 62 Ft.
water, semi-dirty with 3/4″ solids
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: End Suction - Solids Handling / Surface

Capacity: 10 to 2250 GPM
Head: 5 to 340 feet
severe corrosive, contaminated, abrasive fluids
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Dewatering - Solids Handling

Capacity: 12 to 238 GPM
Head: 4 to 74 Ft.
water, wastewater solids to 2″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Vortex - Solids Handling

Capacity: 5 to 190 GPM
Head: 5 to 175 Feet
residential / commercial
water, sewage solids to 3″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial / Residential
Type: Submersible - Solids Handling - Grinder

Capacity: 30 to 6700 GPM
Head: 10 to 210 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″ to 12″
standard and high head configurations
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Surface - Solids Handling - Dewatering - Self-Priming

Vertical in-line, High speed, Integral, gear-driven, Single-stage, Overhung
Market: Industrial / Oil/Gas
Type: Custom Pumps - Vertical Inline - Inline - Overhung

EP-1 Packaged Pump Systems
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial
Type: Submersible - Packaged Systems

Capacity: 4 to 92 GPM
Head: 5 to 61 Ft.
water, semi-dirty water solids to 3/8″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Commercial / Industrial / Residential
Type: Submersible - Effluent - Solids Handling

Discharge Size: up to 20″
Capacity: up to 6,600gpm
Total Dynamic Head: up to 500 ft.
Solids Handling: 3/4″ to 2″
Market: Municipal Wastewater / Municipal Clean Water / Industrial / Oil/Gas / Power / Steel / Desalination / Fertilizer
Type: Custom Pumps - Vertical - Mixed Flow - Vertical Turbine

EVMS Series
Suction Size: 1 1/4″ to 4″ ANSI
Discharge Size: 1 1/4″ to 4″ ANSI
Capacity: 3 to 607 GPM
Head: 24 to 930 Ft.
clean water
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Surface - Vertical Inline Multistage

Discharge Size: 1 1/4″ to 6″
Capacity: to 2000 gpm (60Hz)
Head: to 460 ft (60Hz)
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Surface - End Suction

Discharge Size: 1 1/4″ to 5″
Capacity: 7 1/2 to 3000 gpm (60Hz)
Head: 7 to 480 ft (60Hz)
Liquid: Clean Water
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Surface - End Suction

Horizontal, Double case, Centerline support, Radial split casing, Multistage, Axial split Double Volute inner casing, Opposed impeller arrangement, Single or Double Suction First Stage options
Market: Oil/Gas / Power / Fertilizer / Steel
Type: Custom Pumps - Double Case - Multi Stage - Between Bearing

Horizontal, single case, Axial split casing, Single-stage, Between bearing, Semi-open impeller
Market: Municipal Wastewater
Type: Custom Pumps - Horizontal - Mixed Flow - Overhung - Between Bearing

Horizontal, single case, Radial split casing, Single-stage, Overhung, ISO Standard
Market: Industrial / Oil/Gas / Power
Type: Custom Pumps - End Suction - Horizontal - Overhung

Suction Size: 1 1/4″ NPT
Discharge Size: 1″ NPT
Capacity: 2 to 18 1/2 GPM
Head: 63 to 203 Feet
clean water
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial / Residential
Type: Surface - Dewatering - Self-Priming - End Suction

KS (BB2)
Horizontal, single case, Centerline support. Radial split casing, Single-stage. Between bearing, Single or Double Suction First Stage options, Standard model is Top suction – Top discharge arrangement
Market: Industrial / Oil/Gas / Fertilizer
Type: Custom Pumps - Radial Split Case - 1&2 Stages - Single Case - Between Bearing

Vertical in-line, Single stage, Overhung
Market: Industrial / Oil/Gas
Type: Custom Pumps - Vertical Inline - Inline - Overhung

Oil Smart® Pump Systems
Range of HP: 1/3 to 1 1/2 HP
Capacity: to 86 GPM
Head: to 61 Ft.
Single and three phase models; manual only
Local, lockable disconnect
Market: Commercial
Type: Submersible - Packaged Systems

R2/R2D (BB2)
Horizontal, single case, Centerline support Radial split Casing, Two-stage. Between bearing, Single or Double Suction First Stage options
Market: Industrial / Oil/Gas / Power / Fertilizer
Type: Custom Pumps - Radial Split Case - 1&2 Stages - Single Case - Between Bearing

Horizontal, Single case, Semi-centerline support. Axial split casing. Multistage, Opposed impeller arrangement, Single or Double Suction First Stage options
Market: Oil/Gas / Power / Fertilizer / Desalination
Type: Custom Pumps - Axial Split Case - Multi Stage - Single Case - Between Bearing

Horizontal, Single case, Semi-centerline support, Axial split casing, Diffuser, Multistage, Opposed impeller arrangement, Single suction
Market: Fertilizer / Power / Oil/Gas / Desalination
Type: Custom Pumps - Single Case - Axial Split Case - Multi Stage - Between Bearing

Horizontal, Single case, Centerline support, Ring section casing, Multistage, Radial split diffuser inner casing, Series impeller arrangement, Single or Double Suction First Stage options
Market: Oil/Gas / Power / Desalination
Type: Custom Pumps - Ring Section - Single Case - Multi Stage - Between Bearing

Horizontal, Single case, Centerline support, Ring section casing, Multistage, Diffuser type casing, Opposed impeller arrangement.
Market: Oil/Gas / Power / Fertilizer
Type: Custom Pumps - Multi Stage - Ring Section - Single Case - Between Bearing

Horizontal, single case, Centerline support. Radial split casing, Single-stage, Overhung, Single suction
Market: Industrial / Oil/Gas / Power
Type: Custom Pumps - End Suction - Horizontal - Overhung

Horizontal, single case, Centerline support, Radial split casing, single stage, Overhung, Single suction, Sealless
Market: Industrial / Oil/Gas
Type: Custom Pumps - Horizontal - Slurry - Overhung

Vertical, Single case, Foot mount, Radial split casing volute type, Single-stage, Overhung. Closed or semi-open impeller, Bottom suction
Market: Power / Municipal Wastewater
Type: Custom Pumps - Vertical - Vertical Bottom Suction - Volute

Vertical, Double case, Radial split casing, Multistage, Radial split diffuser or volute inner casing, Submerged bearing
Market: Industrial / Oil/Gas / Power
Type: Custom Pumps - Vertical - Vertical Double Case

Vertically suspended, Single casing, Radial split casing, Single or Multistage, Submerged bearing
Market: Industrial / Power
Type: Custom Pumps - Vertical

VS (VS3)
Vertically suspended, Single case, Single-stage, Submerged bearing, Open impeller, Pull-out or Non-pull-out, Adjustable vane
Market: Industrial / Power / Desalination
Type: Custom Pumps - Vertical - Axial Flow - Vertical Turbine

Vertically suspended, Single or double case, Diffuser type, Single or multistage, Single or Double Suction First Stage options, Submerged bearing, Closed impeller, Pull-out or Non-pull-out, Adjustable vane, Semi-open impeller
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Power / Fertilizer / Desalination
Type: Custom Pumps - Vertical - Vertical Turbine - Mixed Flow

Horizontal-overhung slurry service, Single stage, Singe suction, Double-casing, Centerline support
Market: Industrial / Oil/Gas
Type: Custom Pumps - Horizontal - Vertical Inline - Slurry - Overhung

EVMU(L) 3, 5, 10, 18, 32, 45, & 64 Series
Suction Size: 1 1/4″ to 4″ ANSI
Discharge Size: 1 1/4″ to 4″ ANSI
Capacity: 4 to 390 GPM
Head: 27 to 930 Feet
clean water
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Surface - Vertical Inline Multistage

TH Series
Capacity: to 3,000 GPM
Head: to 710 Ft.
Discharge Size: 1″ to 6″
clean water
Market: Municipal Clean Water / Commercial / Industrial
Type: Surface - End Suction